
I’m fairly new at the UUFD, but from the beginning I have felt at home in this community of seekers. Here, I’m not afraid to ask hard questions of myself and others about religion, morality, and our place in the universe.

The elements of a UUFD Sunday service–the music, the children’s story, the message, connecting with others–stir the emotions and intellect. The message comes not from doctrine, and not from the minister alone. We hear from the best thinkers, past and present, from every religion and philosophy, and explore principles that may be universal or controversial.

We hear from members who talk freely about their diverse views both during and after the service and in small group settings. And as the Sunday-morning glow fades, there remains the ongoing quest for truth and commitment for right living, guided by UU principles.

At UUFD I am continuously challenged to examine my worldview and to act consistently with that view.