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The Turning Wheel Wheel: Celebrating the Longest Night

Celebrating the magic of the Solstice we will celebrate the longest night and the gifts of darkness in our lives. What might we notice when we dwell in the creative and generative parts of ourselves and listen? What parts of our lives need our presence? What do we hope to welcome into the world as … Continue reading The Turning Wheel Wheel: Celebrating the Longest Night

Dec 23: Celebration of Life for Eb Redford (11am MST)

Recent News

  • We are a Bronze Certified Green Business!
    We are very proud to announce that UUFD has been designated a Bronze Certified Green Business by 4CORE, the Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency. For ...
  • We’re hiring: Music Director / Pianist
    Position Announcement: Music Director/Pianist UUFD seeks a Music Director/ Pianist/Choir Accompanist. Our most immediate need is for a Pianist/Choir Accompanist (approx. 28 hours per month).  The ...
  • October news from Faith Formation
    We are Unitarian Universalists   Who put love at the center of our lives  We light this chalice today, to practice Listening to the wisdom within us This quote comes ...
  • News from our Social Justice & Responsibility Team
    Sponsor a Mexican Child The Immigration Team has a new focus, sponsoring primary school age students in Mexico, where education is only funded through 3rd grade. ...
  • Recital Series 2024-25 announced!
    We are very pleased to announce the 2024-25 Recital Series! The UUFD Recital Series is now in its seventeenth season.  All recitals are held on Friday ...
  • UU Climate Justice Revival is coming!
    UU Climate Justice Revival is Coming! We’re reimagining together. Join us! Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice in ...
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Upcoming Events

Board of Trustees Meeting
24 Dec 24
Days for Girls
15 Jan 25
Board of Trustees Meeting
28 Jan 25
Days for Girls
19 Feb 25
Board of Trustees Meeting
25 Feb 25
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Board of Trustees

Board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, from 6 to 8 pm in Bowman Hall. Visitors are welcomed. If you’d like to attend by Zoom, please email our office for the Zoom link.

Our Stories: Testimonials

I moved to Durango from Oregon in July 2013.  I was raised in a UU church, but I had not been a church goer in all my adult years.  I’d had community which often overlapped with my eclectic spirituality.  Church didn’t appeal to me. Didn’t need it… When I moved to Durango I knew I … Continue reading Nancy


As a child and teenager, the Episcopal Church gave me an appreciation for ritual and a sense of mystery. Later, in graduate school and as a college teacher, I was drawn to books, art, music and experiences that celebrated Nature, the seasons and transitions in the natural world. Using poetry, art, dance and solitary rituals, … Continue reading Marilyn
