Circle Suppers

Circle Suppers are potluck dinners for six to ten people, hosted in UUs’ homes on the third Saturday of each month (except July and December). Connection, community building and FUN are the goals.
We deepen our connections with each other through this small group ministry. Our goal is to be welcoming and inclusive. All ages and diets are accommodated as well as possible. The organizer, Nancy Fisher, assigns folks to a “supper group” based on who has RSVP’d to attend that month. We strive to mix it up each month.
Each month, look for a Circle Supper invitation in UUFD’s e-announcement a few weeks prior to the Supper. Please be aware of the RSVP deadline, which is the Sunday prior to the Supper.
After the RSVP deadline, Nancy will create groups of people who will share that month’s Supper, all coordinated via email. The host will provide the location in their home and an appetizer. The guests and host will coordinate the potluck contributions, using “reply to all.” Nancy will provide more details to each group, each month.
Questions? Contact Nancy at