UUFD Social Responsibility and Justice is a social justice ministry rooted in the following viewpoints:

  1. Social justice work is part of the UUFD core mission and so should occupy a significant place in the work of our fellowship
  2. Not everyone is equally passionate about all social justice issues, but many individuals have a passion for a particular issue or concern
  3. Small teams which are highly focused on a particular issue can make an important difference

Program Construct
There are two major elements to the SRJ ministry: 1) general social justice advocacy and support in the UUFD Fellowship; and 2) small focused teams committed to selected social responsibility and justice concerns.

General social justice work includes coordination of our Share the Plate giving program, growing and sustaining our relationship with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and its efforts, monitoring and responding to community requests for collaboration on social justice work, supporting UUFD strategic plan goals for social justice, communicating information on the SRJ ministry and its various activities in Fellowship publications, and providing oversight of SRJ budget and funds.

Small focused justice teams are developed through assessing interest within the fellowship for different areas of social responsibility and justice. Ideally a small team includes 4-8 members with one person serving as the facilitator. The team meets regularly so that they can maintain momentum around their chosen issue. Every team is responsible for defining and carrying out its own work, with the team facilitator serving on the SRJ Coordinating Team to support collaboration and sharing of information and decision-making.

Current justice teams include Anti-Racism, Basic Needs, Environmental Justice, Immigration, and LGBTQIA+.

Anti-Racism Team leads us in growing our understanding of the connection of white privilege and racism and what we can do as individuals and as a community to change systemic racism.

Basic Needs Team provides direct service to individuals and families impacted by food insecurity, access to education, homelessness, or foster care.

Environmental Justice Team advocates for practices that help to reduce the negative contributions to climate change.

Immigration Team partners with Compañeros Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center to work on local immigration issues as well as supports asylum-seeking families.

LGBTQIA+ Team supports our local LGBTQIA+ community and agencies and promotes UUFD practices to be a Welcoming Congregation.

Preserve Democracy Team works to preserve and expand our democracy by partnering with both local and national non-profits with similar missions.  

To learn about UUFD’s history of racial justice work, view this PDF.

Local Social Responsibility & Justice Activities Slideshow

Justice is at the core of our faith. Our congregations are called to make a positive difference in our wider communities. We work to serve, to raise awareness, and to support and partner with people who face injustice. We advocate, organize, and act for justice to live out the values of our faith. More from the Unitarian Universalist Association website»

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) fosters social justice and works toward a world free from oppression. UUSC’s innovative approaches and measurable impact — in promoting economic justice, bolstering environmental justice, and protecting rights at risk — are grounded in the belief that all people have inherent power, dignity, and rights.