May News from Faith Formation Director Sharon Mignerey

OWL (Our Whole Lives) Finishes on May 21:  This is the first class based on the OWL curriculum since the pandemic, and it has lived up to our hopes for it, under the guidance of teachers Anna Royer and Jeff Hamner.  The enrolled participants have been meeting on Sunday afternoons since March 26, acquiring a deeper understanding of themselves and their maturing bodies within this comprehensive program of sexuality education. Since programs like this are under continuing attack in public school settings, it becomes even more important that we’re able to provide a safe, nurturing venue for kids to acquire this type of education that empowers them their whole lives. We are still accepting love offerings to cover the cost of meals (for 15) and supplies through the end of class.  Click here if you’d like to help.

The plan Faith Formation has is to provide this age-appropriate training for elementary school children next year.  The first step of that is having trained personnel. Harrison Wendt and Nikki Bauer have just completed training for this age group. Over the next few months, we will be preparing the next set of classes. If you’d like more information about the OWL program, click here.

Multi-Gen Service and Columbine Open House a Big Success: The FF staff, children, and youth were so happy to open the doors to Columbine House after the multi-gen service and brag on the accomplishments over the last year.  A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped pull this off and to all who visited the kids’ Faith Formation space.  

Adult Faith Development Opportunity
: The book study, Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism, continues on Wednesday evenings until May 24.  If you missed the earlier announcements and would like to participate, send an email to Sharon Mignerey ( Watch for an announcement for the next book study—title coming soon.