Healing Racism Discussion Series


March 8, 2020    
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM


Bowman Hall
419 San Juan Dr., Durango, CO

Event Type

The Healing Racism Team is sponsoring a discussion of best-selling book White Fragility after Sunday services on March 8 (chapters 1-3), April 19 (chapters 4-6), May 31 (chapters 7-9), June 14 (chapters 10-12). Mark your calendar for these multigenerational learning opportunities; books available at the SR&J table.

TIME: 12:15-2:00
DETAILS: Light lunch provided. Children, youth and adults will join in lunch and conversation until 12:45 and then children will go to supervised activities in Columbine House. Youth may remain for book discussion with adults or assist with children’s activities.
Sign up at the social justice table or register here»
Please register with the intention to participate in all four discussions. Hosted by UUFD Healing Racism Team; leaders: Emily Thompson and Nicci Unsicker