Healthy Congregation

UUFD established a Healthy Congregation Committee (HCC) in 2021. Quoting from the HCC Charter:
“The purpose of the committee is to help our congregation better understand the nature of conflict…When we recognize that conflict can occur within any group, we learn to speak with each other directly and honestly from a position of respect, kindness and love, recognizing that in order to do so, there will be times we need to seek counsel from our community. The members of HCC will be representatives from our community.”
The HCC guided the congregation in developing a Relational Covenant [link to text below], which is an expansion of our UUFD affirmation that we speak together weekly. The Covenant was approved by the congregation on May 15, 2022.
The HCC is tasked with promoting and facilitating open and productive communication and addressing conflict. Conflict is often necessary to keep an organization mindful of and focused on its mission. The HCC works with the Minister and the Board on promoting learning opportunities and sharing communication ideas and resources.
The HCC believes that we can address our differences by developing a system of communication that is respectful, empathic, acknowledges the importance of our mission, and maintains a sacred focus in all of our UUFD relationships.
UUFD’s Relational Covenant
Approved by the Congregation of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango
May 15, 2022
As a faith community, we strive to uphold our highest principles in relationship with one another. As human beings, we make mistakes but strive to do better. With this covenant, every person in the congregation is encouraged to remind each other of our commitment to honor this promise whenever we find ourselves in an interaction that does not represent the relational grace to which we have agreed.
Love is the Doctrine of this Church
- We care for one another in our times of joys and sorrows
- We treat others respectfully as we also want to be treated
- We practice gentleness and kindness
- We celebrate diversity in its many forms
- We welcome and support all people
The Quest for Truth is its Sacrament
- We honor each other’s quest for truth
- We recognize the sacredness of all beliefs
- We listen generously
- We support the right of conscience
- We believe in individual responsibility to guide one’s thoughts and actions
And Service is its Prayer
- We practice compassion and shared ministry within the UUFD and beyond our walls
- We live our values as we work for liberty and social justice for all
- We actively support the preservation of our home, Mother Earth
To Dwell Together in Peace
- We practice peace in our hearts as well as in the world
- We sustain our fellowship as a safe, sacred space for all who come to worship
- We work out conflicts respectfully
- We use the democratic process in our board, staff, and congregational meetings
To Seek Knowledge in Freedom
- We acknowledge that the strength of the community comes from differing perspectives
- We acknowledge that conflict is an opportunity for growth and learning
- We use mechanisms and policies for resolving conflict that are consistent, equitable, and transparent
To Serve Human Need
- We acknowledge that to be seen, heard, and understood is a basic human need
- We listen with open hearts and without judgment
- We respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the interconnected web of all existence of which we are a part
- We live our values out loud within our congregation and beyond our walls
For these High Purposes do we Unite in Worship
- We acknowledge the importance of our mission : Love courageously; Inspire spiritual growth; Work for justice
- We create and sustain a safe, welcoming environment that values diversity of belief, opinion and different life journeys
- We maintain a sacred focus in all of our UUFD relationships
- We constantly strive to be respectful of one another’s point of view, graceful in our manner of communication, and always act with empathy and understanding of another’s ideas
- We recognize that this covenant is a promise that we make to one another and binds us together as a beloved community