Committees & Teams

Under Leadership of the Board

Building and Grounds Committee Chair – Mike Trefry
Garden Maintenance – Aline Schwob/Carroll Groeger
Covid Advisory Team Chair – Liz Volz
Finance Committee Chair – Tim Miller
Governance Committee Chair – Vacant
Healthy Congregation Committee Chair – Lynn Griffith/Dan King
Information Technology Support Chair – Eb Redford (Steve Govreau support)
Leadership Development and Nominating Committee Chair – Ilona Hruska
Legacy Fund Chair – Tim Miller
Risk Management Committee Chair – Vacant
Stewardship Committee Chair – Kathleen Adams

Shared Leadership Between Board & Minister

Communications Committee Chair – Shanan Orndorff
Transition Team Chair – Tom Miller
Personnel Committee Chair – Allison Andersen

Under Leadership of the Minister

Affinity Groups

  • Outdoor Adventures – John Schwob
  • Sage Circle – Robert Winslow
  • Yoga – Lynn Griffith

Art and Aesthetics Team Lead – Judy Hayes

Caring Team Lead – Susan Koonce/Rollie Butler

Coordinator of Faith Formation – Sharon Mignerey

  • Youth Programming Coordinator – Vacant
  • Faith Formation Coordinating Team lead – Teresa Jordan
  • Covenant Group Coordinator – Sharon Mignerey

Four Corner’s Retreat Team Lead – Vacant

Hospitality Team Lead – Vacant

Membership Team Lead – Carroll Groeger

  • Circle Suppers – Nancy Fisher
  • Social Responsibility and Justice Coordinating Team – Terri Reherman
  • SRJ Environmental Justice Team – Tom Miller
  • SRJ Immigration Team Lead – Liza Tregillus
  • SRJ LGBTQIA+ Team Lead – Robert Bridges
  • SRJ Anti-Racism Team Lead – Marianna Fischer
  • SRJ Basic Needs Team Lead – Marilyn Leftwich
    *Days for Girls – Robbin Clark
    *Durango Food Bank – Ilona Hruska
    *FLC Grub Hub – Terry McLaughlin
    *Manna – Marilyn Leftwich
    *Mission: Support Kids – Alex Todak-Schwartz
    *Needham Elementary – Julie Jordan
  • Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Liaison – Richard Butler
  • Worship Arts Team Lead – Sheryl Guy