The Governance/Ministry Model for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango is depicted below. This model is designed to reduce bureaucracy, make room for shared ministry, and invite members into spiritual growth and service. It was developed following consultation with the director of the Mountain District of UUA and is based on a model described in Dan Hotchkiss’ book titled Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership.

UUFD Governance Ministry Model

The model has three main components: the Congregation, the Board, and the Minister. All three play some role in both governance and ministry; however, some have more of a governance role, while others play out more in ministry. Let’s take a closer look at each.

CONGREGATION. The Congregation is the base of the model because both governance and ministry are dependent upon the Congregation. The Congregation governs UUFD with formal, corporate decision-making at congregational meetings by voting for elected officers, amendments to bylaws, approving the budget, calling a minister, buying or selling property, and other important decisions. The Congregation discerns what directions the fellowship will take by contributing to strategic planning and visioning our future.  The Congregation is also the base for ministry. Members of the Congregation are the recipients of some of the efforts of ministry as well as the providers. The volunteer labor of the Congregation, working with our Minister, makes ministry possible at UUFD.

BOARD. Elected by the Congregation, the Board of Trustees is a fiduciary whose duty is to act in faithfulness to the interests of our UUFD mission. As fiduciaries for the mission, board members have the duties of care, loyalty, and obedience. The Board carries out these duties by providing oversight and support to committees reporting directly to them, as illustrated on the left section of the graphic.

MINISTER. Our Minister supervises all staff and all ministry teams as listed on the right section of the governance/ministry model. The minister provides guidance, support and consultation to staff and to volunteers on the ministry teams as we engage in the work of our mission.

The BOARD and the MINISTER share responsibility for supporting the work of the teams and committees in the middle section of the graphic.

All three components of this Governance/Ministry Model – the Congregation, the Board, and the Minister – work together through collaboration, consultation, mutual support, and accountability.

At the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango we are in this work together; doing shared ministry to provide a home for liberal religion, deepen our faith, and work toward peace and justice. There is a role for you at UUFD. What role are you being called to play?