Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

The Soul Matters group that meets via Zoom the first Monday of the month at 3:30 pm reconvenes after a summer hiatus on September 5 (you’re right – that’s a Tuesday—in deference to Labor Day). The group is accepting new members. If you’d like to join, send an email to Sharon Mignerey, Coordinator of Faith Formation.

If you’ve been longing for a deeper connection with self-development, creativity, or your own sense of spirituality, check out UU Writers or Creativity Matters. You can participate right here at UUFD, which provides the opportunity to be with like-minded people and to share in the joy of creating. We’re having an organizational meeting for both of these on Thursday, August 31, 5:30 p.m., in Bowman Hall. This is your opportunity to learn more about these two ways to explore your creativity and your spiritual connections. During this meeting we’ll choose when and where to meet beginning in September for these two separate groups, and curriculum (please consider these prompts) will be shared.

To indicate your interest in UU Writers, click here.

To indicate your interest in Creativity Matters, click here.