Recital Series 2022-2023

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango presents` Recital Series 2022-2023 The UUFD Recital Series is now in its fifthteenth season.  All recitals are held on Friday evenings at 7:00 pm in the beautiful UUFD Sanctuary with excellent acoustics.  You can buy tickets here or download and print the attached form and mail it to UUFD, … Continue reading Recital Series 2022-2023

Harrison Wendt hired as Youth Programming Coordinator

Encore! Our Sunday Learning Coordinator Harrison Wendt has accepted a new position with UUFD that means expanded hours and responsibilities starting July 1 as we seek to rebuild our Family Ministries. He has a strong background in child care, social justice and advocacy work. Harrison previously worked as a Durango 9-R Kids’ Camp teacher for … Continue reading Harrison Wendt hired as Youth Programming Coordinator

UUFD In-Person Worship Services Update

UUFD is now meeting in person and via Zoom. Please join us Sundays at 10 am for worship. Please come vaccinated and fully boosted if age five or older. N95 masks are required, available for free at Walgreens and the Rec Center.  Please stay home if symptomatic.  

UUFD’s Response to the Crisis in Ukraine

UUFD is donating $1000 from our Disaster Relief and Development fund to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Emergency Response Fund to help Ukraine. UUSC is working with five grassroots organizations: The Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund; Ukraine People With Disabilities in Crisis; Razom; Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine; Voices of Children. For more information or to donate to UUSC … Continue reading UUFD’s Response to the Crisis in Ukraine

Check out the “We Are Unitarian Universalists” video

This lovely video from the UUA helps to show who UUs are, what we do, and why it matters. Take a look! If you’ve ever struggled to articulate what Unitarian Universalism is to a friend or family member, this video is a great way to open a conversation.

Rev. Gary offers “Thoreau As Spiritual Guide” book discussion

Moderated by Rev. Gary Kowalski Weekly classes begin on Zoom starting Thursday, February 24 at 7 pm. Classes run for six weeks Unitarian Universalists sit atop a long tradition of homegrown spiritual wisdom.  The American Transcendentalists (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Peabody, Theodore Parker and others) all sought truth from looking both inward and outward … Continue reading Rev. Gary offers “Thoreau As Spiritual Guide” book discussion