Text-to-Donate Now Available

You can now text a donation directly to UUFD using our new text-to-donate feature. Simply send a text to (833) 765-0135 and type the amount you wish to give as your message. Click here… for a helpful video and tips. What an easy way to drop something in the “virtual collection basket”!

Covenant Groups Move Online

While this may be a time of physical distancing, it need not be a time of social distancing. We need each other more than ever. In Covenant Groups we listen to one another, learn about mystery and our spiritual paths, and build new and deeper personal connections. Our current covenant groups will move on line … Continue reading Covenant Groups Move Online

Rev. Katie’s Animas View – Special Edition

Dear Ones, In these last weeks, our congregation’s staff and leadership have been meeting and responding to the ever-changing landscape, making adjustments and plans to keep you and our community both safe and connected. …more

UU the Vote

The UUA’s new UU the Vote campaign is a nationwide mobilization effort to build Unitarian Universalists’ capacity for faith-based electoral organizing. The values at the foundation of UU the Vote are the inherent worth and dignity of all people, democracy, partnership, and a future where all people can thrive. UUtheVote.org signup

GA 2020, Providence RI

General Assembly 2020, June 24-28, Providence Rhode Island. Early bird registration is open through March 14. New! registration payment plan this year; pay as little as $50 down and then as often as you like until February 29th, 2020 when final payment is due. More info…

UUA Common Read

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (Beacon Press, 2015) and An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States for Young People adapted by Jean Mendoza and Debbie Reese (Beacon Press, 2019) are the new Common Read.  More information here…

Family Ministry Discussion

What kinds of family support can this fellowship offer? Expect to hear more on this topic, soon, from the Interim Advisory Team that was formed at a recent Future of Faith Formation Workshop.  Click here to listen to the edited two-hour podcast of that session.

Fall FROLIC Success

Sincere thanks to all who participated in the September Fall FROLIC auction fund raiser. Your generous contributions exceeded $20,000.00