The UUA, Side With Love, and UU Ministry for Earth have joined as partners with the Global Climate Strike on Sept. 20th and we’re inviting you to #StrikeWithUs. On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and the world to demand … Continue reading CLIMATE STRIKE SEPT. 20

Chancel Expansion Underway

The chancel expansion project is underway with a completion target date of 9/27/19 (FROLIC).  John Redemske and Mike Trefry are coordinating the effort. The final result will be a significant enlargement of the raised chancel floor area.  A ramp will make the expanded chancel accessible to all.  The project provides a variety of satisfying service … Continue reading Chancel Expansion Underway

Homestead Child Detention Center Shut Down! 

MIAMI, FL (August 3 2019) – The last migrant children in the detention center in Homestead, FL have left. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) – a Quaker organization that has worked for immigrant and refugee rights for over 100 years – has led a campaign along with organizations in Florida and across the country to shut down the detention center and work to end the practice of detaining migrant … Continue reading Homestead Child Detention Center Shut Down! 

Fortification Podcast

On a recent Facebook post, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray states: “It was wonderful to reconnect with fellow activist and Fortification podcast host, Caitlin Breedlove. We talked about some of the harder moments of justice work and how my spiritual practices sustain me in those times. I hope you’ll listen and find something of sustenance for your … Continue reading Fortification Podcast

4 Corners UU Retreat at Pine Song

July 12-14, 2019 This year’s guest minister was Rev. Jake Morrill.  Rev. Morrill grew up in the Tennessee Valley near Knoxville, Tennessee, before graduating from Harvard Divinity School in 2003.  He was called as minister to Oak Ridge Unitarian Universalist Church that same year. He earned a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from East … Continue reading 4 Corners UU Retreat at Pine Song

General Assembly 2019

June 19-23 General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend. Registration and housing open March 1 (