Love the Hell Out of This World

If we are not acting fearlessly for human dignity, compassion, justice, and peace, then we are failing to live our mission. -Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray In the current issue of UU World, our president, the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray writes…”Answering this deeper call of our theology and mission is the quality that ensures our congregations and communities are not mere … Continue reading Love the Hell Out of This World

Common Read 2018-19

The UUA Common Read Selection Committee is pleased to announce the 2018-19 Common Read: Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018). At a time when racial justice, environmental justice, and economic justice are seen as issues … Continue reading Common Read 2018-19

UUFD Podcasts

Weekly Sunday service and discussion now available as podcasts on Apple iTunes.  Ever want to go back and review a portion of last Sunday’s message or discussion?  It’s easy to do.  Just go to the website and click the Service Archive button or click Subscribe: iTunes to add UUFD to your podcast library.

Rev. Mary Katherine Morn Returns

Rev. Mary Katherine Morn joined Rev. Katie in the pulpit for the November 11 service to discuss the Unitarian Universalist Service Committees’s (UUSC) work to advance human rights. Rev. Morn helped to grow UU congregations in five different states prior to beginning her tenure as the president and chief executive officer for the UUSC in … Continue reading Rev. Mary Katherine Morn Returns

Beloved Conversations

BELOVED CONVERSATIONS: Meditations on Race and Ethnicity is a powerful tool for the journey of healing racism and encouraging a multicultural lens in the congregation and how we engage with our community at large. This experiential program began with a weekend retreat, October 19 & 20th,  offered by a curriculum developer from Meadville Lombard Theological … Continue reading Beloved Conversations

Born on Third Base Author Visits Durango

UUFD member and Thrive! co-founder, Mo Maliszewski, was instrumental in bringing US wealth inequality expert and best-selling author, Chuck Collins to Durango this fall. Both hold leadership roles in Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC), a progressive organization, rooted in the UU liberal religious tradition dedicated to economic justice for all. On Oct. … Continue reading Born on Third Base Author Visits Durango

Great Strides – Sanctuary Expansion Project

More than 35 members contributed to the sanctuary expansion effort over the past two weeks. Here’s a fun slide show» documenting some of their efforts. The project is almost complete, with final building inspections pending.

Chair Fund Now Open!

UUFD invites members and friends to make a one-time donation to the CHAIR FUND to provide chairs for the newly expanded sanctuary. A generous donor has agreed to match funds for up to 32 chairs (for a total of the 64 chairs we need). So each contribution counts twice! Click here» to donate the full cost of one chair … Continue reading Chair Fund Now Open!