FROLIC Funds Distributed

On behalf of our congregation, Teresa Jordan presented a check to Laura McKinney, President Habitat for Humanity of La Plata County. The money (nearly $2,000) was that portion of this year’s FROLIC funds dedicated to local housing issues. Habitat La Plata County executive director, Rachel Taylor-Saghie, said 19 homes have been built locally since 2008 … Continue reading FROLIC Funds Distributed

Allison Andersen exhibits in Bowman Hall

Monoprints by Allison will be exhibited in Bowman Hall throughout November and December. Inspired by patterns in nature and all things found, Allison Andersen creates abstract and atmospheric monoprints.

Online Giving Now Available

When you click the “Donate” button at the top of UUFD’s home page, you now have the opportunity to donate online, either once or as a recurring donation. If you would like to go paperless, get extra points on a credit card, or just automate your regular giving, this is for you!

UU Podcasts

Podcasts are an increasingly popular format for sharing stories, information, and interviews. Subscribe (free) then listen at your convenience. Check out these podcasts created by Unitarian Universalists (UUs): Divign Thinking – offers café conversations with special guests. The Pamphlet – a podcast uncovering Unitarian Universalism’s hidden histories. New episodes every two weeks. UU Perspectives – a weekly … Continue reading UU Podcasts

Historic Installation of Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris

On Sunday, Sept. 25, UUFD formally installed Reverend Katie Kandarian-Morris as its first called minister. In the words of Rev. Peter Raible, “An installation service is the recognition that a minister is settled in a particular society. …There is an important history to this service relating to congregational polity…The installation highlights and reaffirms the bond … Continue reading Historic Installation of Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris

The New UU Workshop Series

Developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), The New UU workshops will be interactive and facilitated by UUFD members and staff. Perfect for new and existing UUFD members, and for non- members who might consider UUFD as their future spiritual home. Consecutive Wednesday evenings, October 5th through November 9th.

Fellowship Hall Guest Artist

Using expressive color and brushwork, Patrice DeLorenzo’s atmospheric acrylic landscape paintings evoke feelings and memories of places, seen and unseen. Patrice’s works will be on display through October.  Contact Ann Smith to schedule exhibitions of photographs, paintings or other hanging artwork.

Share the Plate Nominations

Nominations for future Share the Plate recipients are welcomed. If you have an organization you would like to nominate, please fill out the form below or stop by the SRJ table after Sunday service. We select four recipients per year, each receiving our Share the Plate donations for a three month period. Recent beneficiaries included … Continue reading Share the Plate Nominations