Here are a couple of opportunities to pass along new or gently used items in your home. You’re welcome for the opportunity (and nudge) to declutter!
MISSION: SUPPORT KIDS is collecting items for children in foster care from Nov. 5 to Dec. 3 in Bowman Hall. Toys and sensory items for babies through teens are always appreciated. If you’d like to purchase needed items, Amazon has a whole category of “sensory items for kids and teens” that might give you some ideas.
THE HOLIDAY MARKET (accepting donations now – look for the Holiday Market Donation box at the back of the sanctuary): One of the traditions we’ve had for years is the holiday market for children of UUFD to “shop” for special gifts they select for family members. Faith Formation is requesting donations for the market during November. Donations from previous years include jewelry, home décor items, books, puzzles, scarfs, candles, toys, Christmas ornaments, kitchen gadgets, and so on. Please, NO CLOTHES—scarfs, hats, and gloves are okay, but otherwise, no clothes.