Coming Soon! From the MSC…

Two significant opportunities are coming up in August and September for UUFD members and friends to provide important information to the Ministerial Search Committee.  In August you will be invited to complete a Congregational Survey and answer questions that will uncover more clearly who we are, what we value, and what we see as our challenges and opportunities. The survey results will be shared with the congregation and will be included in our ministerial search packet.  

In September the MSC will be hosting Cottage Meetings (open to all) and Focus Groups (invited participants connected to specific responsibilities e.g. Board, staff, worship team…) where you will be encouraged to share more deeply your thoughts related to selecting our next Settled Minister.  This information will also be shared and will be included in the ministerial search packet.

Later in the Fall, on an October date to be determined, we will be hosting a program facilitated by a trainer from the UUA.  We will be assigned either Beyond Categorical Thinking” (BCT) or “Breaking Barriers, Building Beliefs, the latter an update to BCT that includes some learnings from the UUA Commission on Institutional Change.  Issues around race/ethnicity, gender/gender identity, visible and invisible disabilities and health concerns, and sexual orientation are addressed in the workshop. The whole congregation is encouraged to participate; members of the MSC are expected to attend; congregational leaders are strongly encouraged to attend.  Potential ministers are encouraged to seek out what a congregation learned.  By completing the program, congregations send a message to all their members and potential ministers about their commitment to full equality and ongoing learning about anti-racism and anti-oppression. 

Watch for more details in coming:

Each person makes a difference in this search process as you fully participate in opportunities to make your voice and perspective be heard.