O come all ye faithful,
and doubtful, and joyful, and blue,
Mary and Joseph, Rudolph and Frosty,
and me and you,
To hear Christmas stories, some old and some new,
Reminding us that love, hope, and mystery are true.
~ Rev. Sarah C. Richards
I love this quote for the season because it perfectly captures that play between fun and reverent that most of us feel sometime during the season. For me, the last line is particularly meaningful: “love, hope, and mystery are true.”
Thank you, Volunteers!
The Preschool Toddler Room is now two months old, made possible by generous volunteers. The success of this program is dependent upon them, and it does take a village. A huge thanks to: Melina Adduci, Allison Anderson, Sherrod Beall, Brenda Huffman, Elizabeth Long, Lisa McCorry, Bonnie Miller, Grace Wilms, Liza Tregillus, and Marketa Young. To keep to my commitment of calling upon volunteers no more than once a month, we have room for additional help. If you’d like to be part of this endeavor, please drop me an email by clicking on this link.
Sunday Faith Formation Is Growing
Little by little over the last year, the number of children in attendance is growing, though we still have a long way to go to reach pre-pandemic numbers. A year ago, we were, on average serving eight children each week. During November we served an average of thirteen each week, including our two groups growing the fastest—preschoolers and middle schoolers. Though our numbers are still small, this growth is significant,
After the first of the year, the middle schoolers and elementary schoolers will be divided into their own groups at least twice a month so they can each focus on their individual areas of interest. This leads to – yes! another call for volunteers. As a volunteer, you will be assisting one of our regular teachers each Sunday to give our kids the richest experience possible. If you like working with middle school-age children or elementary school-age children, please let the Coordinator of Faith Formation know of your interest.
Peace, Joy, and Ho, Ho, Ho – December 10
During this Sunday service, join the UUFD kids for this irreverent, fun, and poignant service that highlights the House of David family reunion and holiday festival where wise persons, Christmas characters from many traditions, and a young expectant couple show up at the UUFD Bed and Breakfast for the most sacred of events. It’s time to break out your favorite Christmas sweater and warm up your voice for some new and some traditional carols.
Big Changes in Faith Formation Staff
Nikki Bauer is stepping away from her role as a teacher at the first of the year. She focusing on her studies as a full-time college student and as the efficient Office Administrator for UUFD. Harrison Wendt is stepping down from being the Youth Coordinator of Faith Formation, but he will continue to be a teacher each Sunday. Please extend to them a thank you for their many contributions in helping the Sunday Faith Formation program grow. Both Harrison and Nikki will continue on with Faith Formation in vital roles as needed, including being teachers for the OWL program coming in February.
After the New Year
Watch this space for the dates for Our Whole Lives (OWL) classes for the elementary school kids beginning in February. This sexuality education presents honest, accurate information about sexuality that dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships and improves decision-making. This 10-session program will be led by Nikki Bauer and Harrison Wendt, who became certified OWL teachers last spring.
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Plans are underway for a new book study (led by Sharon Mignerey) and a new Circles of Trust (led by Rev. Barbara) after the first of the year. Watch this space for details.
Personal Faith Development
This lovely poem is from Rev. Gordon B. McKeeman, which could be the basis of daily reflection during the often too-busy holiday season.
How does one address a mystery?
Simply be in the intimate presence of mystery, unashamed—unadorned—unafraid.
This quiet poem encourages an equally quiet reflection that I extend to each of you during this holiday season. May you be well and filled with peace. May you be at ease as you shop, cook, and care for your loved ones. May you take good care of yourself. May you breathe deeply and feel the love that you give and that comes back to you.
Merry Christmas.
Respectfully submitted – Sharon Mignerey, Coordinator of Faith Formation