Embodiment, Anxiety and the Covenant with Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh


January 11, 2024    
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


As science and psychology reveal the intricate connections between our bodies and our brains, the process of creating a covenant—a sacred agreement about how we are to engage with one another—cannot be adequate without understanding how our bodily responses can overtake our high-minded ideals in situations of stress. Even a very good listener cannot listen well when they are physiologically triggered into a state of defense. Even the most compassionate person can show little empathy when their nervous system perceives a high-level threat. Join us in this Zoom for content and conversation that will inform your creation of the UUFD covenant.

This event is offered in preparation for Rev. Millspaugh’s workshop on Jan. 21, “Co-Creating Our Covenant.” Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh is the primary contact for UUFD from the Pacific Western Region of the UUA. Her visit is organized and sponsored by the UUFD Transition Team. Everyone is encouraged to attend, to get to know Rev. Sarah better, to work with one another in this important process of covenant, and to suggest ways of looking ahead toward UUFD’s next minister.

Read more about Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh here

Join on Zoom by clicking here

Meeting ID: 944 6463 3509

Passcode: PWRUUA