Leadership Council


January 28, 2021    
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Event Type

6:00-7:30 pm
Conducted on Zoom
A Vision Statement is the dream of what the congregation can become in alignment with their “vow with the Universe.”
-Unitarian Universalist Association
Plan to participate at the next Leadership Council where our focus will be developing a vision statement describing what UUFD aspires to be.
A vision statement is a one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change that results from the work of an organization or program.
Rev. Nancy Bowen will join us to lead the discussion in considering our
vision statement and helping us develop a process to involve the
congregation. Many of you will remember Rev. Bowen from the inspiring sermons she has preached from the UUFD pulpit and the consultations
she has provided to our congregation and Board over the years.
Leadership Council is open to Board Members, Committee Chairs, Team Leaders and Members of the congregation interested in holding
leadership positions at UUFD.
Contact K Redford, Board President Email K for more information.