Membership Class: UU History and Beliefs


March 9, 2024    
12:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
419 San Juan Dr., Durango, CO

Two events for new and existing UUFD members are coming up!

Do you have questions about our Unitarian Universalism? What is the UU link to Transylvania?! Do you know the history of our UU church here in Durango? Are you interested in membership at UUFD? Bring your questions to the next Membership Class, UU History and Beliefs, on Saturday, March 9 from 12:30-3PM! This is open to the whole congregation. Come meet with the Membership Team, Rev. Barbara Coeyman, a talented UU historian, and several leaders from our congregation.

On Sunday, March 10, 11:30 am – 2 pm, join us for UUFD Opportunities and enjoy conversation and fellowship with new people over a light lunch on Sunday after the service. We will also introduce you to activities and opportunities for service within our congregation, in the community and beyond.

Mark your calendar: A reception of new members will take place at the service on March 24.

To sign up, please visit the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings, or contact Carroll at