My Story Workshop


November 16, 2019    
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Bowman Hall
419 San Juan Dr., Durango, CO

My Story workshop: sharing your unique spiritual journey
Nov. 16, 9:30 – 11 am, Bowman Hall

Our church has a tradition of sharing faith stories to learn how our growing congregation’s members arrived at UUFD. Through this process we connect to and understand one another in a richer, fuller way. Are you interested in crafting your own story and perhaps serving as a future pulpit guest to share it? In this workshop, we’ll gather for a period of storytelling guidance and idea-sharing, as we develop our personal stories of faith and the courage to tell them.

Hosted by UUFD communications committee member Bobbi Maiers. To register, please contact Bobbi» (720) 951-3176.