Supply drive is August 10th, 10:00 am-6:00 pm and august 11th from 10 am-12 pm at Sacred Heart Parish School, 254 East 5th Avenue. To drop off, please go around the back to the alley. Thank you for caring and helping!
The Diné community is being devastated by COVID-19. In addition to many people with health challenges that make them at high risk for infection and death, the Navajo Nation is an extreme food desert with little access to food and to water. With 1/3 of Navajo residents not having running water, many people living in one home, and lack of personal protective equipment, the need for help is great. Sacred Heart Catholic Parish is hosting a supply drive for most needed items, which will be shared with Toyei Industries for distribution directly to the homes of families and individuals in need in the Navajo Nation.
For questions, contact Judy Clancey 970-749-6707. If you can’t drop off, please reach out to Judy and she will find a way to pick up supplies.
From Diné Brenda Hoskie: Our wish list on supplies:
canned food , fruits too, spam, pork and beans, green beans, corn, corn beef, corn beef hash, fruit and vegetables, ramen, crackers, cheese, meats, Vienna sausages, pinto beans, pasta, fresh meat, fresh fruit /vegetables, flour, baking powder, soup, water, coffee, paper towels, toilet paper, dog and cat food, bleach, pine sol, hand sanitizers, face shields, N95 or KN95 masks, Clorox, laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, bottled water, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand soap, aluminum foil, gallon, quart ziplock bags, evaporated milk, gloves, personal hygiene wipes, magazines, coloring books