Faith Formation News for children, caregivers and adults

Fall Festival October 8 after Sunday Service

UUFD Children, their Parents / Caregivers, and Grandparents are invited!

Fall Festival that will be held at John R.’s home on October 8 immediately following church service (noon to 4 p.m.). All the UUFD children and their parents/grandparents are invited. There will be food, pumpkin decorating, face painting, games of all sorts, and all the other fun associated with the word Festival. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers, please click here to let us know how many from your family plan to attend so we have adequate supplies and food. Questions? Please reach out to Sharon Mignerey

New registration form

Thank you to the SEVEN families who have filled out the registration form. If you have not filled this out, please do so as soon as you can. Even if you’ve been coming for a while, please fill out a new registration form here for your children, our first since the pandemic began. We need to have this up-to-date information to give your child(ren) the best possible experience while we are with them

Pre-School Sunday Faith Formation Set To Begin September 24

Our room, at the back of the sanctuary, is coming together. Stop by and take a peek. Thank you to the volunteers! Sharon will be in touch this week to set up a schedule. The preschoolers will follow the same schedule as the older children—in the sanctuary with their parents until Time for All Ages. Then they will go to their new room at the back of the sanctuary. Parents! You must check in your children when you arrive for service so we can safely care for them. See the assigned teacher who will be at the back of the sanctuary before the start of service (and who will be on the lookout for you).

Please pick up your child(ren) by fifteen minutes after the end of service.

We still need a few more volunteers so we are calling on people only once a month. If you’d like to help ONE SUNDAY PER MONTH, please reach out to Sharon Mignerey.

Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

If you’ve been longing for a deeper connection with self-development, art, creativity, or your own sense of spirituality, check out this sample of monthly prompts from Creativity Matters. There is still time to join. The group will meet as a hybrid (Zoom and in person) on the third Thursday of the month at 4 p.m. in Bowman Hall. If you’d like to join Creativity Matters, click here.