Help Wanted

There are a few opportunities right now to help out at UUFD. Might you consider one of them?

Welcome Station Help Needed = aka HowdyDuty:  
We love welcoming visitors and new members and ALL of you to the worship service on Sunday mornings. Sometimes we need an extra person to help us. If you would like to join our Substitute list please contact Carroll Groeger. We would love to welcome YOU!

Hospitality Team Needs a New Leader: 
Seeking two people to co-lead: one person to coordinate Sunday coffee and one person to coordinate special events. Help is needed as Lisa McCorry, team lead, is moving to the Ministerial Search Committee. Please contact Lisa.

Office Volunteer: 
Nikki, our office administrator, is looking for a few people interested in helping out in the office when she is out or needs extra hands. Potential duties would include: filing/organization, preparing documents and/or copies, being present at the office for visitors, and/or answering the phone. If you are interested or have any questions please email Nikki.