July Social Responsibility and Justice Team News

This month’s Social Responsibility & Justice Team’s announcement comes with mixed emotions. As of July 1, we are saying good-bye to Bonnie Miller, our steadfast leader of the past 8 years.  Bonnie’s commitment to social justice is extraordinary, and her administrative skills stellar. This combination led to a thriving SRJ team at UUFD comprised of six active sub-teams:  Anti-Racism, Basic Needs, Environmental Justice, Immigration, LGBTQIA+, and UU Service Committee. Through Bonnie’s unique leadership style, both strong and gentle, all of these teams are making great contributions to our congregation, our community, and the broader world.  Of course, Bonnie is not going far, and will continue to share her many talents with UUFD in many capacities. Our beloved community thanks you, Bonnie, from the bottom of our collective hearts.  

In an attempt to fill Bonnie’s very large shoes, Terri Reherman will take over the responsibilities of coordinating the SRJ Team. Terri has a broad background in social justice, and actually started the first volunteer team at UUFD back in 1994. Our first step was simply volunteering once a month at Manna Soup Kitchen. My how we have grown! With Bonnie’s generous mentorship, and six autonomous and highly capable teams, Terri should be able to maintain the ambitious and professional standards that Bonnie has set.  

Our second announcement is that by July 1, all the SRJ sub-teams will have a display board hung in Bowman Hall. The boards will post news about what they have done, what they are doing, relevant information about their causes, and contact information so that any congregant can get involved if they feel so moved. Thanks to Judy Hayes for her expert aesthetic guidance in this endeavor!

One final thing to think about. In August, the SRJ team will be soliciting nominations for our next cycle of Share the Plate recipients. Nominations will be collected in August, nominators will have the opportunity to tell the team a little about their nominees in September, and the first of the four chosen recipients will begin receiving Share the Plate funds in October. This is your chance to nominate your favorite LaPlata County non-profit organization!  Specific criteria and deadlines will be available soon.