June news from Faith Formation

Thirteen Youth Completed OWL (Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education) in May: Faith Formation is so pleased with the great feedback we’ve had from the teachers (thank you Anna Royer, Jeff Hamner, and Harrison Wendt!) , the kids who participated, and the parents. We are so grateful to the parents who make the commitment with their kids for this program. Mark your calendars for February 2024 when we will be offering OWL for our elementary kids.

Summer Faith Formation Sunday Classes: The activities for the kids this summer will be based on the Soul Matters summer curriculum – Summer Magic. Our goal is to provide our children and families the magic to more deeply connect with our community and the delights available to us with our great summer weather. Whether being outside more or doing crafts together, the themes that tie together the activities are service to others, silence and mindfulness, sunshine and movement.

We recognize summer is a time to enjoy all the delights our area has to offer that often involve visits from family and friends and vacations that take families away. We look forward to seeing your children and youth and often as possible.

P.S. We have some especially fun things planned for Pine Song, so stay tuned!