Keith Kron to lead “Beyond Categorical Thinking”

We are pleased to share more information about our leader for the “Beyond Categorical Thinking” workshop on Saturday, Oct. 21 from 9 am to 12 noon in Bowman Hall. Rev. Keith Kron will also deliver the homily via Zoom on Sunday, Oct. 22.

Keith is the Director of the Transitions Office for the UUA, helping congregations and ministers as they navigate the ministerial search process.

He is the former Director of the Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Concerns for the Unitarian Universalist Association.  He held that position for over 14 years, from 1996-2010.

Keith has visited over 450 UU congregations across the continent, helping them in Welcoming Congregation work, Beyond Categorical Thinking workshops, and public witness.

A former elementary school teacher, Keith also has taught an online class for Starr King School for the Ministry, our UU seminary in Berkeley, on children’s literature.  He also leads workshops on the enneagram, plays and teaches tennis, and collects children’s books in his spare time (he has over 9,000 of them!).

Keith is 62 years old and currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island.


Please sign up for the workshop with MSC member Liz Volz at, so we can plan our space and numbers for our lunch order.