September news from Faith Formation

Welcome To September!

Faith Formation for the kids on Sunday morning is in full gear. The schedule for September:

September 3 — A Wider Welcome

September 10 — Water Communion Multi-Gen Service (the kids remain in the sanctuary for the whole service)

September 17 — Welcoming Change (and the Autumn Equinox)

September 24 — Welcoming the Work of Apology and Forgiveness (and Yom Kippur

Toddlers Want You!

The Children’s Program for Faith Formation is growing, something we have all wanted and hoped for during this Post Pandemic Era. We have three separate groups right now – middle schoolers, elementary schoolers, and toddlers. We have teachers for the two older groups. Where we need help is with the toddlers. There is no funding in the budget this year to hire teachers. 

We need volunteers. Right now, we have three to five children regularly attending with more on the horizon. We are hoping to recruit enough (of you!) to serve only once every three or four weeks. We hope to have all this in place by mid-September, which is just around the corner.

These children need care and nurturing during Sunday Services, who will be gathering in the room at the back of the sanctuary across from the restrooms. The time commitment will be from about 9:45 to 11:20 while parents attend services. Our aspiration is to have enough volunteers to serve only one Sunday per month.  If you feel called to help or want more information, please reach out to Sharon Mignerey

Fall Festival October 8 After Church

All the UUFD children and their parents / grandparents are invited.

Fall Festival that will be held at John Redemske’s home on October 8 immediately following church service (noon to 4 p.m.).  There will be food, pumpkin decorating, face painting, games of all sorts, and all the other fun associated with the word Festival. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers, please click here to let us know how many from your family plan to attend so we have adequate supplies and food.