Podcast: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango

30 Days of Love

This year’s UUA program, “30 Days of Love” focuses on different themes for each week, culminating today on restorations and reparations. How might we each find our place to refuel? We’ll celebrate the UUA program Side with Love looking at intersectional racial justice, and we’ll listen to beautiful music from Marilyn Garst celebrating love. 

Find a Stillness

Join us for Christmas Eve beauty and light. Our choir will sing, and we’ll offer carols for you to sing at home. Click here… to join. Afterwards, we’ll gather in our cars at UUFD, enjoying the beauty of the luminarias giving some love to our UUFD home

Setting the Table – Multigenerational

Click here… to join. What if a thanksgiving table wasn’t just a table that we set on the fourth Thursday in November? What if a thanksgiving table is any place where you slow down for a little bit, to reflect on all the gifts in your life, to be grateful? We invite you to bring … Continue reading Setting the Table – Multigenerational