Always Under Construction

On this weekend that we delve deeper into our new ministry with Rev. Barbara Coeyman, our guest preacher Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh from the UUA Pacific Western Region staff leads us in reflecting on how we are always forming, and re-forming, ourselves and our communities.

In these tumultuous times we are called to live differently than our consumerist, hyper-individualist society may have taught us. Together we are called to embrace a kind of spiritual salvage work: saving one another, our planet, and ourselves; living into a deep interdependence and joyful aliveness.

After the service and social time, plan to attend the All-Congregation Conversation, noon – 2:30 pm, with Rev. Millspaugh and Rev. Coeyman. The conversation will be held in the sanctuary as well as online over Zoom. A light lunch will be served between social time and the start of the workshop.
