Archives: Services

Justice as an Expression of Love

“We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of oppression within individuals and our institutions.”   If we think of racial justice as a critical force of love, can we mobilize to take greater action in our everyday lives? 


Generosity: the long-lost art of doing more than expected, is often misunderstood.  How can we as UU’s live a generous life, within our principles, without feeling overwhelmed? Steve Foster will share his thoughts on what exactly generosity is, what it looks like, and how it relates to our lives as UU’s.

Transformation – Paving an Imperfect Path

“We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically.”  Is it change we fear or loss? Exploring the gifts and challenges of transformation through an embodied and creative experience. 

The Power of Love

Love is a foundation of our church and Unitarianism. I will share how LOVE has influenced my personal spiritual path.  I will include references from Ancient Wisdom and traditional religious literature.

UU According to Bart Simpson

In light of the proposed amendments to Article II of the UUA bylaws, we are going to examine what pluralism is, and what it is not. What does pluralism look like in our own congregation, and among our individual members? Can we do better?

Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

On June 25, at 9 am MDT, “GA Sunday,” UUFD will come together, in the sanctuary and online, to join several thousand other UUs, attending GA in-person and online, for this UU Tradition of Sunday morning worship. The preacher, Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, is Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan. … Continue reading Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

In Praise of Frolicking

This sermon title may sound frivolous, but overwork is a serious issue from many points of view – medical, spiritual, and even political.  In the 1950s, futurists were predicting a four-day work week and a surplus of leisure time.  They worried about that: what would people do with all that spare time?  Decades later, this was a non-issue; … Continue reading In Praise of Frolicking