Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango
using the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum
March 23 – May 25
2:00-4:00 pm
Required Parent &
Student Orientation
March 10 6:30-8:30 pm
Cost: $100 per child.
Free to UUFD congregants.
Scholarships available.
No child turned away because of inability to pay.
“Love offerings” accepted
A secular sexuality education program that provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information through a values-based curriculum and holistic approach
Our Whole Lives helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, sexual health and behavior. The curriculum is geared to participants’ needs by age group, and this class is tailored specifically to grades 4 and 5.
Workshop topics include:
- Sexuality and Values
- Images in Popular Culture
- Body Image
- Changes of Puberty
- Gender
- Feelings and Attractions
- Reproduction and Staying
Healthy - Decisions and Actions
- Consent and Peer Pressure
- Healthy Relationship and
For more details about the OWL curriculum, visit www.uua.org/re/owl.
The Parent and Student Orientation is mandatory. Parents will be given an in-depth look at this values-based curriculum and will sign permission slips.
The class will be taught by trained facilitators Megan Dugan (owluufdmegan@gmail.com) and Nikki Bauer (owluufdnikki@gmail.com).
To register, sign up at https://uufd.breezechms.com/form/3d76bc
For questions for more information, reach out to UUFD’s Faith Formation Coordinator, Sharon Mignerey (faithformation@durangouufd.org).