Speaker: Rev. Jamie Boyce

Feel the Joy! Joy! Joy!

Join the Faith Formation team and Rev. Jamie for a service inspired by the song “I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy!” We will celebrate joyfulness in music, story, and song as we welcome the delight and playfulness of spring back into our world.

Celebration Sunday

Join us for a service celebrating generosity and the vibrant future of our Fellowship.  Bring your pledge to this service of message, song, and festivity followed by a celebration with cider and cupcakes in Bowman Hall.

Spaces for All Ages:  Sunday Morning and Beyond

As we continue the journey creating multigenerational worship and community together on Sunday mornings and beyond this service will reflect on why multigenerational spaces matter.  What exciting adaptations and changes can we anticipate as we become a community of belonging for people of all ages? Service will be followed by a dialogue with Faith Formation … Continue reading Spaces for All Ages:  Sunday Morning and Beyond