Topic: Living Love Through the Practice of Story

Spaces for All Ages:  Sunday Morning and Beyond

As we continue the journey creating multigenerational worship and community together on Sunday mornings and beyond this service will reflect on why multigenerational spaces matter.  What exciting adaptations and changes can we anticipate as we become a community of belonging for people of all ages? Service will be followed by a dialogue with Faith Formation … Continue reading Spaces for All Ages:  Sunday Morning and Beyond

Radical Inclusion and the Roots of Our Future

As Unitarian Universalists we are committed to building a beloved community of inclusion, justice, and belonging, that actively challenges systemic injustice as manifest in our congregation and in our world.  Drawing from the work of Religious Educator and Unitarian Universalist leader CB Beal, we will consider “pre-emptive inclusion” as a path of living the radical … Continue reading Radical Inclusion and the Roots of Our Future

Generations of Stories Among Us

Our monthly multigenerational service will celebrate the generations of stories and connections among us. Join us for this unique service that will include moments for us to share our stories across the generations as we celebrate the gifts of being a beloved community for people of every age!

Nature’s Way – Harmony, Reciprocity, and Resiliency

Once upon a time… all the beautiful peoples of the earth lived in harmony with Mother Earth—each living by nature’s principles of reciprocity and complementarity woven into the web of life. Let’s remember and envision humans living in harmony with the natural world. Together, we can write a story of humans as a blessing to … Continue reading Nature’s Way – Harmony, Reciprocity, and Resiliency