Topic: Vulnerability

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Universalist Women Who Came Before Us

Unitarian Universalists enjoy a proud heritage of women who, inspired by their liberal faith, broke social, political, cultural, and religious boundaries. During this month when we recognize Women’s History, let us also meet several courageous women in our liberal religious history.

Celebration Sunday: Stewardship as Spiritual Practice

“Stewardship” means “the managing of something entrusted to our care.” Because each of us is a steward of our free church, stewardship is all that you give to support UUFD: financially as well as through time and talents. Considering stewardship as spiritual practice may expand your perspective on your participation in UUFD’s stewardship drive. Stewardship … Continue reading Celebration Sunday: Stewardship as Spiritual Practice

Risk and Vulnerability as Core to Liberal Theology

Our ancestors in liberal religion are often identified as “rebellious” or “heretical” in their resistance to orthodox theology and practice. As a modern Unitarian Universalist, how do you live out your heritage of risk and vulnerability as articulated in liberal theology and lived practice in the world?