Unitarian Universalist Common Read 2017-18

The UUA Common Read Selection Committee has chosen two books for this year’s Common Read:

DARING DEMOCRACY: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want by Frances Moore Lappé and Adam Eichen, (Beacon Press, September 2017) lifts up the importance of democracy itself. It examines the anti-democracy movement that led to the Trump presidency, then offers a vision and call to action to save the democracy we thought we had and to take our civic life to a place it has never been.

CENTERING: Navigating Race, Authenticity, and Power in Ministry  A joint project of the Committee for Antiracism, Anti-oppression, and Multiculturalism of the UUMA and Skinner House Books, Centering is the first book to center the stories, analysis, and insight of Unitarian Universalists of color offering their religious leadership.