Music and Choir
Music is an essential and vital part of worship services and other activities of the larger fellowship. The Worship Arts Team includes all who are responsible for worship, including the minister, music director, and director of faith formation. Together they aim to provide inspiring music which complements the nature and focus of the Sunday service and moves the heart. Music at UUFD can come from diverse musical styles, using music from various origins and traditions. Sources of music include piano music, the choir, small group vocal and instrumental ensembles, vocal and instrumental soloists, the children’s voices, and the voices of the Fellowship. In programming music for worship, we discover and are mindful about the cultures and concerns of the world.

Recital Series
The UUFD Recital Series, founded by Marilyn Garst in 2007, brings a wide variety of professional music to our beautiful and acoustic stage. Performances are followed by receptions in Bowman Hall, directly across the parking lot from the sanctuary, where audience members can meet the artists and enjoy the company of fellow music enthusiasts.
Click here for information about this season’s performances.
Our choir sings at least once to twice a month during worship. We are welcoming of all ages and all kinds of singers as we offer our gifts to support and enliven the worship service. Choir typically rehearses once per week in the Sanctuary. To inquire about singing with the choir or additional information, email