Can You Hear Your Authentic Soul Voice?

Your Authentic Soul Voice, that “still small voice” within, is often smothered & constricted by an inner critical voice that diminishes self-worth. This presentation will introduce 4 steps that turn this energy around so it works FOR you, not against you to stand solid in your Truth, deepening your sacred journey to inner peace. Listening to/recognizing your authentic voice takes practice which builds self-respect & healthy well-being. We CAN be at peace with ourself, laughing, living our life……even in stressful turbulent times.

Florence Gaia, RN, M.Ed., a hospital psychiatric nurse for 17 years, a transformational nurse for 30 years, teaches ancient healing practices of conscious breath work and shamanic journeying that awaken self-healing powers & innate wisdom within. She is passionate about supporting her clients with these tools to move across a bridge from self-doubt, anxiety, perfectionism to live with more courage, confidence, clarity, and aliveness. Like Florence Nightingale’s philosophy, she aims to create a healing environment for body, heart, mind, and spirit to flourish with these life practices.
