Coronavirus Vaccine Forum

On February 18, we held a forum with local experts to discuss the coronavirus vaccine. Watch the video to learn all about it.

2020-21 Common Read

The Unitarian Universalist Association announces the 2020-2021 #CommonRead has been selected: “Breathe: A Letter to My Sons” by Imani Perry (Beacon Press 2019). Here’s a short introductory video… by the author:

Keep on Moving Forward

A spirited new recording of Keep on Moving Forward / Sigamos Adelante featuring Emma’s Revolution.

Ingathering Season

A video message from Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray, President, Unitarian Universalist Association

UU the Vote – Virtual Choir

Unitarian Universalists from across the country joined the UU the Vote “How We Thrive” virtual choir to sing the MaMuse song, “We Shall Be Known.” UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative, in partnership with broader justice movements, to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. Let’s … Continue reading UU the Vote – Virtual Choir