Category: News

Environmental Justice Team encourages voting in LPEA election

As Unitarians, we are committed to protect and respect life on Earth. This applies in particular to the 6th and the 7th principles, which state “Peace, liberty and justice for all” and “Respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are part.” Based on these principles, the Environmental Justice Team (EJT) encourages us … Continue reading Environmental Justice Team encourages voting in LPEA election

Election Opportunity

The Environmental Justice Team encourages us to act on the slogan “Think globally, act locally.”  Ballots for the upcoming LPEA Co-op board election start arriving May 17th. Let’s all vote for the candidates who will promote increased renewable energy!

Watch for Scams!

BEWARE – Please watch carefully for scam emailers or text messages impersonating the minister, staff, or a congregant.  DO NOT REPLY or send money or gift cards to anyone asking for “help” or “needing funds.”  If you would like to send a donation to help our members in need, please click here or write a check to UUFD … Continue reading Watch for Scams!

Foster Kids Support

Did you know that when children are moved into, or sometimes between, foster care homes they often have very little or no possessions to take with them? And if they do, they may be carried in a plastic garbage bag? This can add to the trauma of this difficult transition.  If you are interested in becoming part … Continue reading Foster Kids Support

Candidates for Nominating and Leadership Development Committee Announced

The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for our 2021-2022 committee: Kathleen Devine, Donna Nelson, and Mary Sison. Election of these candidates will occur at the Annual Meeting on May 23rd.  Nancy Burpee will continue as chair of the committee which is elected by membership at the annual congregational meeting to serve 2 … Continue reading Candidates for Nominating and Leadership Development Committee Announced