Podcast: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Low Road Capitalism – Click here to join… American Capitalism has it roots deeply entwined with slavery in America; it is deeply interconnected to our political system as well. We have accepted this model and American corporations have continued to engage in violence and brutality to maintain power. What can we do to change our … Continue reading Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Question Box Click here… to join. What could the minister answer for you? Do you want to ask about life, death, God, history or mundane things? Email your questions so some answers will have a prepared answer, and a few others will be on the fly. 

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Warnings Against Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit Click here… to join -Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris We’ll wrap our summer series with a look at the reminders of not venerating the uncertain. What have we learned through our exploration?

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Heed the Results of Science: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Click here… to join Cecilia Payne blazed a trail into the largely male-dominated scientific community and was an inspiration to many. Her thesis “Stellar Atmospheres” was hailed as “the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy.”

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Roots of Resilience Click here… to join. We will explore the meaning of resilience and the ways that the lessons of resilience live in us already, available to meet this moment and other moments of challenge and uncertainty. Today’s worship will serve as a touchstone for our annual Four Corners Retreat, usually held on this Sunday. … Continue reading Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Heed the Results of Science Click here to join… The 5th source of our living tradition, “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the results of science, and warn us of idolatries of the mind and spirit” will serve as the summer series theme and guide for this season.

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

What are We Called to Do? As liberal religionists in the midst of pandemic, what is our calling? Click here to join… Faith Formation: Join us every Sunday for Summer Sunday Story Time at 4:00 here on Zoom. We’ll light a chalice, share our Sads and Glads and hear a classic UU story that explore … Continue reading Virtual Worship Via Zoom