I came to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango when I found myself wanting the support and connection of a community that values the quest for meaning and spiritual growth, rather than expecting a particular set of beliefs or creed. I wanted to be with others who share a concern for the well-being of our world, and desire to act with hope and love to do what is possible. And I wanted to build relationships with people who are open, accepting and respectful of others, regardless of their identity, class, sexual orientation, or age. I found all this and more at UUFD! From the first time I visited I felt warmly welcomed and included, and that continues to this day four years later. Through our Sunday worship services I am stimulated to explore more intensely my spiritual life and the implications for my choice of priorities in all of life. Through participating with others in the many other varied church activities, I am developing deep and meaningful friendships, discovering areas for learning and for contribution. I’ve received personal support in difficult times which nourished my body and my soul. Being a member of UUFD has enriched my life in ways far exceeding my initial hopes and I am filled with gratitude for this growing beloved community.