Topic: Cultivating Relationship

Lessons From the Ancestors

On this Halloween Sunday, when we acknowledge the Samhain time of the veil between the lost loved ones becoming thin, let us remember all souls and our loved ones lost by bringing photos for the altar. If you are attending online, send your photos to Rev. Katie to have them included in a video montage. … Continue reading Lessons From the Ancestors

No Strangers Here

The quote, “There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t yet met,” has long been attributed to the poet Yeats, but rather than referring to an Irish pub, could mean the way we think about cultivating relationship based on covenant. Let’s consider the power that our relational values hold for us.

Indigenous Peoples Day

The new anthology, The Diné Reader, gives an up-close connection to the literary and artistic world of Navajo writers. Let’s celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day by paying attention.

Connecting Spirituality and the Environment

The exploration of the desert and mountain spirituality can be a profound connection to the mystical life. What is the relationship between landscape and theology especially for those of us who live in these environs?