Category: News

Settled Ministry Voting Results…

By a unanimous vote of those members present at a special congregational meeting on Sunday, March 6, 2016, Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris was called to settled ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango. The vote was the culmination of a multiyear effort by the congregation to transition from lay leadership to shared ministry and marks … Continue reading Settled Ministry Voting Results…

Dialogue on Diversity

A unique collaborative will bring the community together with experiential, thought-provoking dialogue on diversity-related themes and experiences. The event is organized by the Durango Community Relations Commission and the Embracing Diversity Initiative in partnership with the Prejudice Elimination Action Team – Durango High School, Common Ground and El Centro at Fort Lewis College, and Celebrating … Continue reading Dialogue on Diversity

Vote to Call Our Minister

We, the members of the congregation of UUFD, are ready to call our minister, the Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris, to settled ministry. The congregation voiced overwhelming support for calling our minister at the cottage conversations conducted by the Ministerial Transition Team. The Board of Trustees will move forward, therefore, with a vote to call our minister … Continue reading Vote to Call Our Minister

Durango CROP Hunger Walk / Run

WHAT IS IT? CROP (Communities Reaching Out to People) Hunger Walks are conducted each year throughout the United States to raise money for reducing global hunger, disaster relief, and refugee assistance, mostly in the developing world. Last year $12 million dollars were raised through 1200 walks involving 116,000 people and 2000 communities. One slogan is … Continue reading Durango CROP Hunger Walk / Run

LPEA Rebate

Teresa Jordan, UUFD board president, accepts a rebate check from Ray Pierotti, LPEA project specialist, who oversees the cooperative’s lighting programs.  UUFD was entitled to the rebate for retrofitting existing lighting with more efficient LEDs.  


An invitation from Rev. Katie to join in conversation about our shared ministry. Come ask your theological or personal questions. Get to know Rev. Katie and enjoy tea…

On calling our first minister…

Our fellowship has been considering professional leadership for several years. This Leadership Transition Committee Report summarized and analyzed the thinking of the Fellowship about securing ministerial leadership for UUFD. These thoughts were gathered in a series of “focus group” discussions facilitated by the Leadership Transition Committee during January and February 2013.”

Share the Plate

The new recipient of our share the plate donations will be the Four Corners Rainbow Youth Center, which supports LGBTQIA+ youth ages 13-17. A safe, supportive, and educational place for youths, their allies, and families to meet has been a need for a long time in Durango. The Center just opened this Fall and our … Continue reading Share the Plate

Got Stoles?

Yes; the CHOIR has colorful new stoles thanks to the labors of Alane Brown, Judy Hook and her grandson, Eli Milchen, Judith Reynolds, Liza Tregillus, Bonnie Miller, Nancy Fisher, Mary Jackson and Teresa Jordan. All brought their sewing machines to Bowman Hall and set up a stole-making production line.        

Our Website Has a New Look!

Using the new WordPress Theme created by the UUA, we’ve made some changes to our site. We hope you like the new look! Click the ‘FIRST TIME VISITOR?’ button and enjoy the introductory video provided by our communications committee.