Speaker: Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

The Poignancy of Living in These Days – Click here to join… Among so many other important things we note, we are also living in what is named in Judaism, “the High Holy Days.” These are days of taking stock, for making amends, to recognize “the deep poignancy of living in these days.”

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Love With No Exceptions – Click here to join… It’s been 250 years since John Murray preached his first sermon on American soil. Come, hear how Universalism has made a difference in many lives today.  

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

We Are All Longing To Go Home – Click here to join… We’ll celebrate our water communion today, gathering water from our homes, our pond, our river, our reservoirs. Take a picture of yourself and your water, send it to Rev. Katie (by 9/9), and we’ll feature you in the service.

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Question Box Click here… to join. What could the minister answer for you? Do you want to ask about life, death, God, history or mundane things? Email your questions so some answers will have a prepared answer, and a few others will be on the fly. 

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Warnings Against Idolatries of the Mind and Spirit Click here… to join -Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris We’ll wrap our summer series with a look at the reminders of not venerating the uncertain. What have we learned through our exploration?

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Heed the Results of Science Click here to join… The 5th source of our living tradition, “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the results of science, and warn us of idolatries of the mind and spirit” will serve as the summer series theme and guide for this season.

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

What are We Called to Do? As liberal religionists in the midst of pandemic, what is our calling? Click here to join… Faith Formation: Join us every Sunday for Summer Sunday Story Time at 4:00 here on Zoom. We’ll light a chalice, share our Sads and Glads and hear a classic UU story that explore … Continue reading Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Within the Heart of the Flower: A Flower Communion Click here to join… Cut a flower from your home or grab one from the store, and bring it to our virtual gathering to bring to the front of your screen. We’ll remember why this ceremony was so important to Norbert Câpek and to us, too.