Art Installation

The champagne opening for the participants of the workshop Playtime with the Press conducted by teacher Judy Hayes was a resounding success in Bowman Hall. 10 students (many of them UUs) displayed their colorful and very professional work done on the academic Standing Griffin press at Judy’s studio. “Classes have ended for this session, but look … Continue reading Art Installation

Green Lights

The recent lighting conversion from incandescent to LED has resulted in considerable energy savings and earned the church a total of $ 740.00 in rebates from LPEA. Kilowatts saved: >3.5 kW every month

Bylaws Discussions Scheduled

A number of bylaw amendments will be presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2016. Plan to attend one of these three discussion sessions to clarify any questions prior to the meeting. Bylaws Discussion Sessions: Sunday, May 1 at 9:00 a.m. and, Sunday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Here’s … Continue reading Bylaws Discussions Scheduled

CROP Hunger Walk

Members and friends walking together helped to raise over $5,000 towards the global food insecurity struggle during this year’s CROP Hunger Walk event.  Our local recipient will be Fort Lewis College, “Grub Hub.”

UUA Renews Ties with Boy Scouts

Irving, TX– The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding designed to provide guidance to Unitarian Universalist congregations who wish to charter scouting units. The Boston-based UUA is the latest religious group to renew its relationship with the BSA following the Union for Reform Judaism … Continue reading UUA Renews Ties with Boy Scouts

‘Dream Makers’;

that’s the theme for this year’s Stewardship Dinners. Members & friends will be asked to consider these two questions: “What are your most courageous dreams for the future of UUFD?” and “What are our greatest possibilities for making a spiritual difference in our world?”. Ideas arising from the ensuing discussions will be sifted, sorted and … Continue reading ‘Dream Makers’;

Share the Plate Update

The fellowship’s generosity through our monthly Share the Plate collection is extraordinary.  In nine months we have donated $6500.  Four new recipients for 2015-16 were selected by our Social Responsibility and Justice team:  Durango Community Emergency Assistance Coalition, 4 Corners Rainbow Youth Center, the international Crop Hunger Walk, and Durango Adult Education Scholarship Fund. On … Continue reading Share the Plate Update

Settled Ministry Voting Results…

By a unanimous vote of those members present at a special congregational meeting on Sunday, March 6, 2016, Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris was called to settled ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango. The vote was the culmination of a multiyear effort by the congregation to transition from lay leadership to shared ministry and marks … Continue reading Settled Ministry Voting Results…

Dialogue on Diversity

A unique collaborative will bring the community together with experiential, thought-provoking dialogue on diversity-related themes and experiences. The event is organized by the Durango Community Relations Commission and the Embracing Diversity Initiative in partnership with the Prejudice Elimination Action Team – Durango High School, Common Ground and El Centro at Fort Lewis College, and Celebrating … Continue reading Dialogue on Diversity