News from UUFD Social Responsibility & Justice Team

December Note on Climate Action From the Environmental Justice Team Think your small efforts at fighting climate change don’t make a difference? Check out this article: Fight Climate Change with Taco Tuesday.  Our small conscious decisions DO make a difference. Keep it up! Durango Palestine Solidarity Rally and Peace Vigil Every Sunday at 4pm at Buckley Park … Continue reading News from UUFD Social Responsibility & Justice Team

December Message from Rev. Barbara

Deep Listening and Deep Speaking Mid-winter holiday time is upon us. Perhaps the coming weeks will be marked by “busy-ness” for you: attending holiday gatherings and celebrations, planning your own events, shopping for those special people in your life. In the face of busy times, even as we connect with more people, we can easily … Continue reading December Message from Rev. Barbara

What’s done and what’s next?

Ministerial Search Update Our HUGE thanks to the Fellowship for all of your participation to date – the Congregational Survey, Focus Groups and Cottage Meetings, Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop, Town Hall ideas and comments on Shared Ministry, and your ongoing feedback. Here’s where we are and what we can look forward to in the upcoming … Continue reading What’s done and what’s next?

News from Faith Formation

Happy Thanksgiving! This note is an update on several things going on with Faith Formation. First, our next multi-gen service is on December 10, our Christmas pageant entitled Peace, Joy, and Ho, Ho, Ho. There are significant parts for each of the kids to play. During the Nov 19. Faith Formation class, children will be asked … Continue reading News from Faith Formation

“Shared Ministry” Transition Town Hall Meeting Summary from October 15, 2023

As part of our continued exploration of the meaning of shared ministry, the Transition Team hosted a Town Hall meeting on the topic. Perspectives from congregants were collected and provided to the Ministerial Search Committee.  We invite you to read through a summary of those results below. SUMMARY OF CONGREGATION PERSPECTIVES QUESTION #1 What do … Continue reading “Shared Ministry” Transition Town Hall Meeting Summary from October 15, 2023

UUFD Cottage Meetings and Focus Groups Summary

UUFD Cottage Meetings and Focus Groups Summary (with references to the Congregational Survey) October 2023 The Ministerial Search Committee was supported by members of the Healthy Congregation Committee and the Transition Team in conducting 11 discussion and information gathering meetings related to our search for our next Settled Minister.  Five Cottage Meetings and six Focus Groups … Continue reading UUFD Cottage Meetings and Focus Groups Summary