Activities on the horizon

UUFD members and friends make a difference in our Ministerial Search process. During September and October, please participate in the following upcoming opportunities, to ensure your voice has been heard: FOCUS GROUPS/COTTAGE MEETINGS You will be encouraged to share more deeply your thoughts related to selecting our new Settled Minister.  The Focus Group/Cottage Meeting schedule is … Continue reading Activities on the horizon

A Message from Rev. Barbara and the Transition Team

Repentance and Repair: Courage to Covenant Join UUFD for small-group conversations around UUA’s Common Read, “On Repentance and Repair,” by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg Have you ever become tangled in different viewpoints or conflict with someone else and wished for better tools to work out differences? Perhaps you’ve walked away from conflicted situations without reaching resolution? … Continue reading A Message from Rev. Barbara and the Transition Team

New “Soul Matters” monthly themes begin this month

Welcome to a new year of “Soul Matters”! Our fellowship uses “Soul Matters,” a theme-based ministry program that offers resources around different monthly themes, in our faith formation, worship and social media. We thought you might enjoy a preview of the upcoming year’s themes, which kick off with the beginning of our liturgical (worship) year on … Continue reading New “Soul Matters” monthly themes begin this month

News from Faith Formation

Pre-School Sunday Faith Formation Set To Begin September 24! Those of you who have volunteered, thank you! Sharon will be in touch this week to set up a schedule. The toddlers and pre-schoolers (children who do not yet read) will be gathering during service at the back of the sanctuary in the room across from the … Continue reading News from Faith Formation

Repentance and Repair: Courage to Covenant Workshop

UUFD’s Transition Team and Rev. Barbara will lead a series of small-group conversations to explore the new UUA Common Read, On Repentance and Repair by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg. These conversations will invite all of us into deepening in our understanding of “covenant,” especially what it means to live as a covenanted community and engage in … Continue reading Repentance and Repair: Courage to Covenant Workshop

Recital Series news from Artistic Director Marilyn Garst

Recitals kick off Oct 6 For various personal reasons, I failed to keep records of all those who assisted me with the 2022-23 Recital Series. I apologize for this but greatly appreciate the help I received with the brochure, flyers, programs, finance, publicity, ticket sales, page turning, sound engineering, receptions (organization, food donations, beverages), and the … Continue reading Recital Series news from Artistic Director Marilyn Garst

Focus on Homelessness

Social Responsibility and Justice Team Special Feature It’s hard to miss the rising population of homeless people in our country, whether you never leave Durango or travel throughout the nation. A recent study by the National Alliance to End Homelessness reports the following facts: Homelessness has been on the rise since 2017, experiencing an overall … Continue reading Focus on Homelessness

Adult Faith Formation opportunities

Welcome to Self-Care! If you’ve been longing for a deeper connection with self-development, creativity, or your own sense of spirituality, check out UU Writers or Creativity Matters. You can participate right here at UUFD, which provides the opportunity to be with like-minded people and to share in the joy of creating. An organizational meeting will be held … Continue reading Adult Faith Formation opportunities

September news from Faith Formation

Welcome To September! Faith Formation for the kids on Sunday morning is in full gear. The schedule for September: September 3 — A Wider Welcome September 10 — Water Communion Multi-Gen Service (the kids remain in the sanctuary for the whole service) September 17 — Welcoming Change (and the Autumn Equinox) September 24 — Welcoming the Work of … Continue reading September news from Faith Formation