Speaker: Rev. Gary Kowalski

Aloha and Adios

In his final visit with us, Targeted Minister Reverend Kowalski meditates on comings and goings, goodbyes and greetings, and the four most important phrases in any human language. Rev Gary – in person

The Question Box

This morning Rev. Kowalski will base his sermon on questions from the congregation. Why is there evil? How can you tell right from wrong? What happens when we die? Who is the most important person in the world? What is spirituality (and how can I get some?)?  Please send your questions to revgary@durangouu.org one week prior to the morning service. Gary will be … Continue reading The Question Box

America In One Room

Our nation at times seems to be tearing at the seams, but there are also glimmers of good news for our democracy if you care to look. Gary asks this morning how we can mend our social fabric and examines the special role Unitarian Universalists have to play in fostering a culture of inclusion.  This morning’s … Continue reading America In One Room

Earth Day — Love Your Mother

Rachel Carson did not live to see the first Earth Day. But her book Silent Spring, and the public battle she waged against the powerful chemical companies and agri-business interests that were poisoning the environment, marked the opening salvos of the modern battle to save the planet. Yet Carson was always more poet than provocateur, who believed that … Continue reading Earth Day — Love Your Mother

Easter Sunday – Tuesdays with Jesus

When journalist Mitch Albom reconnected with his philosophy professor from Brandeis, Morrie Schwartz near the end of the old man’s life, the result was a bestseller filled with lessons on love, loss and healing: Tuesdays with Morrie. This morning Gary likens Morrie’s teachings to those of another Jewish wise guy (and the protagonist of another best selling … Continue reading Easter Sunday – Tuesdays with Jesus

Land of the Free

In honor of women’s history month, Rev Kowalski revisits the remarkable bravery that took Viola Liuzzo from her Unitarian congregation in Detroit to the front lines of Selma where she died, reflecting on what lessons we can take away in this renewed moment of racial reckoning.  

Be A Leaf (Stewardship Sermon); Celebration Sunday

Please be prepared to complete a pledge card for fiscal year 2022-23 and consider a 7%-10% increase in giving if you are able, which will provide COLAs for our staff, bring on a new Interim Minister, fund a fresh start for Faith Formation, and expand our social justice impact. 

Calvin, Hobbes, and the Meaning of Life

Bill Watterson’s classic cartoon characters often faced weighty existential problems, while their namesakes (French theologian John Calvin and English political theorist Thomas Hobbes) continue to shape our views of human nature with their gloomy estimates of society. Are people basically trustworthy and cooperative, or otherwise?  Is life really as Hobbes described it, “mean, nasty, brutish … Continue reading Calvin, Hobbes, and the Meaning of Life

What Is Critical Race Theory? Or Shall The Fundamentalists Win?

Online Service only – join here As America struggles to reckon with its legacy of racial inequality, Critical Race Theory has become a flashpoint for controversy.  Amid the noise emanating from Fox News and certain right-wing politicians, the signal has been lost.  What is CRT, and can it help us walk with greater clarity, intention, … Continue reading What Is Critical Race Theory? Or Shall The Fundamentalists Win?