Speaker: Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris

Awakening to Imagination

On this day of Epiphany, what shall we leave behind in order to make 2021 a year worth our values? Have ready a small piece of paper (bathroom tissue?) to be ready to leave something behind.

Find a Stillness

Join us for Christmas Eve beauty and light. Our choir will sing, and we’ll offer carols for you to sing at home. Click here… to join. Afterwards, we’ll gather in our cars at UUFD, enjoying the beauty of the luminarias giving some love to our UUFD home

Setting the Table – Multigenerational

Click here… to join. What if a thanksgiving table wasn’t just a table that we set on the fourth Thursday in November? What if a thanksgiving table is any place where you slow down for a little bit, to reflect on all the gifts in your life, to be grateful? We invite you to bring … Continue reading Setting the Table – Multigenerational

Every Part of You is Beautiful

As we honor Transgender Day of Remembrance, we’ll look in particular at the hostility that Black Trans Women face. We’ll celebrate the beauty that is each one of us, healing wounds and finding wholeness. Click here… to join.

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident

On this Sunday following the election, we’ll consider “the politics of the brokenhearted” and where we might declare our inter-dependence. Come, let’s heal together. Click here… to join.

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Keep Journeying  – Click here… to join Today we’ll recognize our newest members; recognizing the importance of making a commitment to a new faith home, especially in a time of pandemic. John Lewis told us, “The journey toward the Beloved Community is a journey of a lifetime,” and so we will journey with you.

Virtual Worship Via Zoom

Lessons from Indigenous Peoples Day – Click here… to join “To be an Indigenous person is to be engaged in relationships,” says All My Relations podcast team Adrienne Keene and Matika Wilbur. Let us forge connections and relationships where we live. We’ll feature art from Fort Lewis grads and help them build their connections.